The 4th community driven .NET conference dedicated to practical experience of solving business challenges with .NET and technical challenges in .NET application

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Online edition
Speakers and talks
Videos are to be released soon. Please stay tuned!

, blog, GitHub

United Kingdom
Microsoft MVP, Director at Ursatile

, GitHub

Security Architect at Microsoft

Director of Program Management at Microsoft

, website

Microsoft MVP, Software Architect at Endava

, GitHub,

Senior .NET consultant at Axxes

, website, GitHub

Solution Architect, Author, CTO at Witailer

, GitHub, blog

Consultant/Developer/Architect at Mles

, , GitHub

The Netherlands
Cloud Architect at Xpirit, a Microsoft Azure MVP

, Blog, GitHub

Senior Software Engineer at SAP

, blog, GitHub

.NET Tech Lead at ISsoft

, blog, GitHub,

The Netherlands
Principal Security Researcher at Veracode

, blog, GitHub

Freelance Consultant

, GitHub

The Netherlands
Cloud architect at Spirit

, GitHub, blog

Solution Architect at Particular Software

Blog, GitHub,

Lead Software Engineer at EPAM

Senior Principal Software Engineer
at IHS Markit
Heads Minsk department of Engineering Workbench project

Antonio is a Delivery Manager with 20 years experience in the IT industry and specialises in Agile methodologies. He comes from a technical background, starting his career as a Java Developer in Spain in 2000, moving to different roles within IT in three different countries.

Antonio is passionate about creating and implementing the best solution while continually seeking to improve work methodologies. He is convinced that most of the problems in IT are due to lack of communication!

Antonio usually speaks about Agile, DevOps, Project Management and Team management at conferences across Europe and US, such as DevOps Days, JAX and Voxxed Days.
• Have you ever compared yourself with other team members and felt like a fraud?
• Have you ever felt unworthy of your job promotion?
• Have you ever doubted of your successes?
• Do you know someone who could have answered "Yes" to any of those questions?

These are symptoms of Impostor Syndrome; it affects most of the people working in IT. It affects conference speakers as well. I will share with you my struggles public speaking and how I fight impostor syndrome on every conference.

Hopefully this talk will help you to fight impostor syndrome on your day job and help others who might be suffering in your area of influence.
Florian is a passionate young .NET consultant at Axxes.

With a love for functional programming he contributes to open-source projects and tries to be active in the community.
Having a good formatter for your source code seems like a well established concept for many languages in these modern times. Prettier for JavaScript for example is a joy to work with.

The formatting story for F# is different one. There is project called Fantomas, which was started in 2013 and sadly it lost its main contributor. Until it was rejuvenated in 2018 by a dynamic duo in the F# mentorship program.

In this talk I'd like to share my journey from my first pull request to becoming a maintainer of Fantomas.
Discussing the technical aspects as well as the road to ownership.
Michael is the author of the Hot Chocolate project a platform for building GraphQL server and clients in .NET. For the last three years this open source project is his main focus. Apart from his work in the open source community Michael works as a consultant to help companies to move to GraphQL.

Michael loves all things .NET since it came out in 2002 and when GraphQL came out in 2015 he started putting these amazing technologies together. He enjoys sharing his knowledge by speaking at .NET user groups and international conferences. Moreover, Michael is blogging about GraphQL in .NET.

Michael is a Microsoft MVP and you can follow him on Twitter
Blazor and GraphQL combined will revolutionize how we build rich SPA applications with pure .NET.

Blazor for the first time in years gives us .NET developers the ability to develop applications that run in the browser. This allows us to use our knowledge that we acquired in the backend or with desktop applications and use that in the web.

GraphQL on the other hand changed how we work with data fetching. With GraphQL the frontend developer defines how the interface between the frontend and the backend looks like. We no more have friction between backend and frontend developer and are able to iterate much faster.

Let us explore together how we can put those to together and change how we design components by binding them to GraphQL fragments. With GraphQL the data becomes front and centre and drives our application.

After having a fundamental understanding of how GraphQL improves our data fetching needs in web applications we will move on and build a nice real-time application with Blazor and GraphQL. Let us together build a truly engaging next gen application and push Blazor to the limit.
Alexandr is a .NET developer. He was engaged in augmented reality, computer vision and game development.

Now he tryes to simplify the work of other programmers by offering static analysis.
In the process, we have gained great experience using Roslyn, which we want to share. What can Roslyn come in for? For example, to write your own microanalyzer simplifying code review.

During the development process, we abandoned the ideas of many diagnostics that are too complex in the general case or that work too often and make it difficult to work with good responses.

Using these ideas as an example, I will demonstrate the capabilities of Roslyn for writing my own static analyzer.
Loek is a Cloud Architect at Xpirit and a Microsoft Azure MVP, helping companies modernize their IT all the way; Cloud strategy, DevOps practices, and Continuous Delivery. He spend most of my days helping teams by providing hands-on assistance, solving problems and delivering technical training. A couple of times per year, Loek likes to speak at international conferences or to provide workshops.

By being a consultant, international speaker, trainer, active contributor to open-source projects, and forum participant, he loves to share knowledge with the community.
Getting your .NET Core application to run on a Container Cluster is only part of the journey. It takes more to build and run your application in Azure using DevOps practices.

In this session I will show you how we created a mission-critical .NET Core application, running on Kubernetes in Azure, using Visual Studio 2019 and the Azure DevOps platform.

You will learn how to design your .NET application architecture to run on Azure, which software patterns to implement for resilience, how to build Continuous Integration and Deployment pipelines for zero-downtime and what to do to integrate metrics and instrumentation in your application for real-time monitoring.

I will share our lessons learned, so you can get a jump-start running your application in a similar way.
Programmer, geek and fan of reading (mostly science fiction and fantasy).

Currently working in SAP, as a Senior Software Engineer in a group dedicated to distributed systems.

Michael have been professionally engaged in programming for 10 years, mainly with the Microsoft development stack. Previously, he worked in financial companies, specializing in the development of server applications, since then he have been doing a little bit of everything - from system programming to distributed systems and architecture, specializing in distributed systems and high-performance code.
In the dark of the night, if you listen carefully enough, you can hear databases cry. But why? As developers, we rarely consider what happens under the hood of widely used abstractions such as databases. As a consequence, we rarely think about the performance of databases. This is especially true to less widespread, but often very useful NoSQL databases.

In this talk we will take a close look at NoSQL database performance, peek under the hood of the most frequently used features to see how they affect performance and discuss performance issues and bottlenecks inherent to all databases.
Daniele is an CTO and opensource enthusiast. Before he became CTO, he worked as Developer, Team Leader, and Architect in a very large set of enterprise projects. Daniele had a master's degree in Robotic science and another master's degree in project management. His experience in technology extends on many technologies (java, PHP, .net) and platforms (Sharepoint, Liferay, PIMcore) other than techniques (Agile, DevOps, ALM). He's also interested in Agile culture, project management, and product development.

During the last 17 years Daniele helped companies of any size and industry to join the digital transformation process. This allowed him to stay in touch with IT managers and understand perfectly the need of growing companies that see in the cloud a friend to satisfy the business requirement, but fear the change. Part of his work is to find a conservative path for cloud transformation. Behind this book, there is all this experience.

He has been writing on most important medium publications (the startup, better programming, towards data science) and previously he wrote about .NET in the Codeproject community for 13.

Daniele is one of the organizers of the meetup group TechItalia Tuscany that has the goal to link professionals and creates a network through technical meetings.

In the spare time, he's a trekker and in 2014 he created a blog dedicated to the outdoor activities.
The speech stands on opensource software development, using RawCMS, an ASP.NET core headless CMS as a case history to explain how to build an opensource software from scratch.

During the speech, I will introduce the architecture and the issues we found, explain how to solve in projects every day.
As a former Technical Consultant at Microsoft, Dan helped hundreds of Microsoft partners plan, design, architect and deploy cloud and hybrid infrastructures and software solutions. He delivered hundreds of on site trainings to partners and talked at different conferences. From a technical perspective he tries to stay up to date with everything around .Net Core, Angular, software architecture and Microsoft Azure.

He's passionate about knowledge sharing and he regularly delivers classroom and online courses, conference talks and live streams, al around the .NET ecosystem.
Blazor is already an established framework within the .NET ecosystem that helps developers deliver Single-Page Application experiences with .NET only technologies. A common question that arises is: how should we architect our Blazor applications? Since Blazor is essentially a SPA framework, I think that it would be beneficial to borrow some patterns and practices from Angular.

During the talk we'll go over some important topics like structuring Blazor components, component communication techniques and we'll explore the idea of Micro-UIs using Blazor components, similar to Angular Elements. All discussion points will be backed by demos from a Blazor application to showcase the different patterns and practices.
Roberto Freato is a M.Sc. consultant on software development, high reliability and cloud infrastructures. As a book author and Microsoft MVP, he wrote 5 books on Microsoft Azure in the last few years. As a solution architect, he's leading a growing e-commerce solution entirely on Azure PaaS. He also is certified on several vendors with more the 40 certifications.
This session mixes many of the lesson learned in years while writing distributed software. First is "design for failures", to be sure our code will never generates inconsistencies. Second is "stateless (almost) everywhere", to be sure our compute power can be built in minutes. Third is "performance", which has to be considered a feature itself while it is often a competitive gap between you and others. In this session we approach the "simple" problem of reducing the computation time of a CPU intensive application, using C#, Queues, Azure Batch and a bit of shell scripting.
Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies, Software Architect and Microsoft Certified Trainer, always in a quest for latest trends and best practices in architecture, .NET and the world around it.

Irina has more than 700 hours of delivered trainings, workshops and presentations, being passionate about domain driven design and microservices with all their ups and downs. She is the founder of DotNet Iasi User Group where she tries to gather people that are willing to share their knowledge with others, and from time to time publishes articles on her blog.
Microservices should be autonomous and independent, but what happens when your business domain doesn't allow it, and you need to get data from other microservices? You'll soon realize that simple HTTP calls are not enough anymore, or that your app is more brittle than ever and then you switch to messaging.

With messaging you need to have a different mindset and be willing to embrace new challenges.

In this session, we'll see what other options we have and we'll talk about the benefits or the drawbacks of choosing an approach or another.
Oleg codes in .NET for more than 10 years. During this time, he participated in the development of enterprise level web applications, frameworks, shared libraries and utilities of different scale. In the last few years as .NET R&D engineer, he mostly works with new and prospective technologies in .NET (ex. .NET Core - heh, it becomes harder and harder to call it 'new') and Cloud (ex. Azure Service Fabric) space.

Besides coding Oleg occasionally publishes blog posts and do monthly newsletter (named .NET R&D Digest) which includes links to blog posts and articles, books, tools and other interesting .NET related (and sometimes not) stuff.

This session is about bugs and where do they come from, about what we, as developers, can (and should) do. In this session we will take a look at a few simple, but yet representative, examples of application bugs. We will see how these bugs were made and what developers usually do to prevent them. Besides examples, in this session we will see usage of different concepts which help to prevent both simple and tricky bugs.

Despite, all examples are done in C# on .NET, demonstrated concepts and approaches can be extrapolated to any strongly-typed, object-oriented language.

Dylan Beattie is a consultant, software developer and international keynote speaker. He's been building web applications since the 1990s, and works primarily on Microsoft .NET, HTTP APIs, UX design, and distributed systems.

Dylan lives and works in London and when he's not writing code he plays guitar and writes songs.
Software is complicated. Machine learning, microservice architectures, message queues... every few months there's another revolutionary idea to consider, another framework to learn. And underneath so many of these amazing ideas and abstractions is text. When you work in software, you spend your life working with text. Some of those text files are source code, some are configuration files, some of them are documentation.

Editors, revision control systems, programming languages - everything from C# and HTML to Git and VS Code is based on the idea that we're working with "plain text" files. But... what if I told you there's no such thing?

When we say something is a plain text file, we're relying on a huge number of assumptions - about operating systems, editors, file formats, language, culture, history... and, most of the time, that's OK. But when it goes wrong, good old plain text can lead to some of the weirdest bugs you've ever seen.

Why is there Chinese in the SQL event logs? Why has the city of Aarhus disappeared? And why does Magnus Mårtensson always have trouble getting into the USA? Join Dylan Beattie for a fascinating look into the hidden world of text files - from the history of mechanical teletypes, to how emoji skin tones actually work.

We'll look at some memorable bugs, some golden rules for working with plain text - and we'll even find out the story behind the mysterious phrase "pike matchbox" and what it has to do with driving in Belarus.
Niels Tanis has got a background in .NET development, pentesting and security consultancy. He also holds the CSSLP certification and has been involved in breaking, defending and building secure applications. He joined Veracode in 2015 and right now he works as a security researcher on a variant of languages and technologies related to Veracode's Binary Static Analysis service. He is married, father of two and lives in a small village just outside Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
In the early days, breaking into systems (hacking) mostly consisted of finding machines that where connected to the internet and exposed all their services. In some way the industry became better in locking down infrastructure and access and the attacks focused more on applications finding issues like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting. With the latest move to 'DevOps' and the use of build pipelines for CI/CD, with Azure DevOps or GitHub Actions, attacks even have become a lot more sophisticated.

What if the used container images and/or 3rd party libraries contain vulnerabilities? With cloud native approaches like Azure Functions our application landscapes have become a lot more complex giving hackers more opportunities because of the increased attack surface. All steps we need to take to develop, test and release our software can be referred to as the software supply chain, which has become a lot more complicated.

In this session we'll take a .NET application and go through the different area's of the supply chain, identify the security issues, and possible ways of resolving those issues!
Alexey is a software developer at Svitla Systems; most of his experience is with cloud and web technologies. During his free time, Alexey does a lot of open source work, either by contributing to other projects or by maintaining his own. Sometimes Alexey speaks at conferences and writes articles for his blog. Alexey really likes covering obscure or niche topics that he thinks are really cool and deserve more attention.
As we've learned software development, we were taught about the principles of maintainable code and how automated testing is inherent to consistent deliverability. We all know about the design patterns that allows us to split our applications into logical modules that can be tested independently. But is that what we really want?

In modern world of software development, the terms "automated testing" and "unit testing" are practically synonymous to the point where people often use them interchangeably. Acronym-riddled mantras like TDD and the clean code best practices really pushed the ideas of software design to the extreme. In this talk, we will challenge those ideas one more time and re-evaluate them in terms of value and efficiency in the context of modern tools and technologies
Alex has been involved in application development since the late nineties and worked as a lead developer and architect at large enterprises and small companies. He spends his time teaching other developers the details of the Microsoft development platform and frameworks, and coaches architects to design and build modern distributed applications at cloud scale.

He has received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award for Visual Studio and Development Technologies 13 times.

In his spare time Alex likes to participate in all kinds of sport, and loves playing and programming new and retro video games.
Modern distributed applications require much more than just application logic. Features such as state management for services, communication using publish/subscribe messaging and event driven binding to cloud resources might be needed.

Dapr introduces a runtime to offer such building blocks, and is less invasive in your application, allowing you to pick-and-choose what you need.

In this session we will look at the approach that the Dapr runtime takes with a sidecar architecture, separating application logic from the Dapr runtime components. You will also see what it takes to develop distributed applications in .NET Core using Dapr's features and how to bind to messaging infrastructure, cloud resources and use the actor programming model and client proxies.

At the end you know what it takes to combine Dapr in your ASP.NET Core applications using routing, controllers or using gRPC clients.
Daniel is a Software Engineer at Particular Software, makers of NServiceBus, and a Microsoft MVP for Integration. He can bend minds and spoons with asynchronous programming and has contributed to many open-source projects.

In his free-time, Daniel enjoys weightlifting, dark-roasted coffee, playing with his son and writing more code. At least until midnight when his self-imposed router hack kicks in.
Building a message pump that consumes and produces messages from queues is simple in theory. In practice, the picture looks a bit different. Over the years, as a contributor for queue adapters for RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, Azure Storage Queues, MSMQ, AmazonSQS, Kafka and SQL Server, Daniel have made plenty of mistakes.

Now he can teach you how to make those same mistakes!

In this talk, we'll see what a robust and reliable message pump with TPL and async looks like so we can avoid it. We'll examine asynchronous synchronization primitives which smarter people use to throttle requests, then compare and contrast different queuing technology message pumps to make sure we aren't building to each one's strengths.

With this knowledge, if your message pump keeps on pumping for ages in a highly performant way, don't blame him!
Vagif Abilov lives in Norway and works at Miles. He has more than three decades of programming experience, currently doing mostly functional programming in F#. Vagif is a frequent speaker at development conferences, contributor to several open source projects and maintainer of his own (Simple.OData.Client).
This talk presents how to efficiently implement event journals using Azure table and blob storage to minimize costs without compromising performance.

We no longer wanted to keep in-house terabytes of event journals from various applications. We have already been using Azure services, so moving our data from rusty MongoDB collections to Azure storage was a natural step. But should we keep using MongoDB API offered by CosmosDB? Or go over to its SQL API? Or maybe Table/Blob storage would be sufficient for our needs?

In this talk we will share our decision factors, what choice we made, how much it cost and how it performs. You will also see the implementation details in C#.
.NET-developer with more than 10 years of experience, a podcast presenter of DotNet & More. In his free time from the bloody enterprise, he is engaged in Unity development.
Many developers began to study programming for the sake of creating games. Only life makes its own adjustments and it is already difficult to exchange a stable schedule with Enterprise salary for the romance of the extreme in gamedev.

And there is not so much free time to have enough to develop at least a small game. And these evenings, after all, could have been spent on studying another framework and getting a decent increase in salary.

Time passes, and the light of a dream smolders ever weaker in the heart. And in this talk, we will try to rekindle it again! Let's consider how to engage in gamedev with pleasure and benefit, how not to be disappointed. And, of course, we'll touch on the technical aspects of the Unity development process.

Scott Hunter is responsible for the Microsoft's .NET platform, which includes the .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, .NET Tools, Web Tools and the managed languages (C#, F# and VB). Prior to leading the .NET Platform, Hunter helped the Azure Developer Experience team build the Azure SDK's, App Service Tooling, Azure Redis Cache, Azure API Management, ASP.NET, Entity Framework and the Web Tooling. In his spare time he loves hiking mountains in Washington State and around the world.
Get the latest updates in .NET Core and how you can be more productive building apps that run on any platform or device. Learn about some of the exciting things we're working on for .NET 5 and beyond. This will include ASP.NET with Blazor, Cross platform applications with .NET MAUI and Cloud Native computing with Project Tye and more.
Victoria believes that empowering developers and architects in security tasks by helping with education will increase security level without increasing additional workload.

As a security expert with more than 14 years of experience, she's worked in different business areas challenging different security states thru a unique viewpoint by bringing humour sense.

Althought Victoria passioned in all security areas, the most significant interest lies in Identity and access management, and DevSecOps. In her belief Zero Trust and a heavy focus on security in development by shifting it left are the way to go.

You can find her either working for Microsoft and helping customers or on a stage, where she shares security practices sometimes in an opinionated and humorous way.

When Victoria not occupied with security things, she is either in the mountains exploring beautiful Norway or driving her motorcycle as both are the biggest passions after the security.

So you are finally in the cloud. New workloads get deployed almost every day to the Azure. Not always, there is a time to focus on security, but it is a crucial part of a successful cloud strategy.

Join this session to learn how you can utilize security solutions available in Azure to build robust security governance without impacting your development speed.

We will explore Azure native tools like Azure Security Center, Azure policies, Sentinel and more. After the overview, we will go more in-depth and will see how we even can automate some of the security governance via CI/CD pipelines.

Leave the session with confidence and action points what you can do immediately to boost your security level in Azure and not to smash it!

Over 23 years of professional experience delivering enterprise-class software for Global 2000 organizations, software architecture, design & implementation of complex multi-tier products based on Windows and Linux technology stack, Enterprise and Cloud based platforms.

Expertise in SaaS/PaaS with enterprise data and document management via Internet/Intranet/Cloud with help of Front-End Frameworks stack based on pure JScript, HTML5 or Angular and Back-End stack based on different types of microservices with Python, .NET Core or any out-proc based under the hood. And deliver it with help of modern CI/CD delivery pipeline with Azure DevOPS.
Presentation is about sharing the Engineering Workbench application experience of how to organize teams and processes for migrating monolithic applications to Cloud Native.
Senior Backend Engineer at the Infrastructure team, blogger
  • Identifying compatibility and figuring out the attack plan
  • Tooling to automate project conversion
  • HttpContext vs. HttpContextAccessor
  • How do we serve SOAP using .NET Core?
  • Sync over Async, thread pool starvation and concurrency limiter
  • Dockerizing
  • Version patching
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Programme Committee


Software Engineer
Director of Engineering
Member of .NET Foundation

Engineering Manager

C# MVP, Application Architect

Software Engineer @Microsoft
Director of Engineering @IDT

Anatoly Popov is using .NET for more than 10 years for various services that work around the clock.

He strongly supports DevOps movement and helps teams to accept DevOps culture and practices and adjust their processes to achieve better product quality, more reliable releases, improved productivity and efficiency.
Engineering Manager @IDT Corporation

Solution Architect, Teamleader & Senior Developer passionate about solving problems with software. I have solid experience in building distributed web services and applications for the web in a high-load/big data scenario.
Microsoft C# MVP, Application Architect @SoftServe Inc.

Igor Fesenko is an Application Architect at SoftServe Inc. and Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional. He is passionate about designing and developing distributed, scalable and secure web applications and cloud-enabled solutions.

He is proficient in C# & Microsoft Azure and has managed and assessed multiple projects focusing on high performance and large data solutions, taking advantage of all the features and capabilities available on a target platform.

His current focus is on the building and improvement of scalable and secure web applications, cloud-enabled applications and operations. Igor is also a contributor to a number of Open Source projects and a speaker at local and international technical conferences, meetups and user groups.
General Partner
Participant Partner
General Media Partner
Media Partners

SPACE is a professional team which stands behind a huge number of IT conferences and meetups

are people who meet regularly to discuss the use of .NET, share knowledge and experience

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Katerina Lukashenok
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We've been standing behind an impressive number of tech conferences in Minsk for the past 6 years and now we are scaling worldwide to expand our passion to Technologies and Community.
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.NET Summit 2020 Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct (CoC). Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensuring a safe environment for everybody.

.NET Summit 2020 is a community conference intended for networking and experience exchange in the developers community.

.NET Summit 2020 is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, abasement and any form of disrespect.Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks.

We urge to avoid offensive communication related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact. Attending the event under the influence of alcohol or other narcotic substances is unacceptable.

Exhibitors in the expo hall, sponsor or vendor booths, or similar activities are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, exhibitors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.

Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers.

Expected Behavior
  • Participate in an authentic and active way.
  • Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
  • Attempt collaboration before conflict.
  • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert organisers if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this CoC.
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